
3 Types of Awesome Videos You Can Take Using Your iPhone

Jun 12, 2017 8:18:30 AM / by Brandon Jarousky

videos you can take using your iphone

For anyone considering creating videos for social media, YouTube, or even just for fun, it can be difficult deciding what to create. Luckily for you, we've put together a short list of different styles of videos that you can start creating.

The best part? These are all styles of videos you can take using your iPhone!

  1. Travel Video

    If you've got a big vacation planned or are just taking a day trip, it can be a great opportunity to make a totally awesome video. The best videos are short so don't feel like you have to make your adventure into a movie. Take a few great moments of video, stitch them together, throw in your favorite tune, and voila! You've got yourself some Facebook worthy content.

    Travel videos are super easy to take using your iPhone because there's no hassle getting set up at a moments notice. Professional cameras can be bulky and take away from capturing an awesome moment.

  2. Share a Recipe

    You know all of those Buzzfeed recipes videos on your feed? Well, if you like to get fancy in the kitchen you can do that too. If you love to cook and your friends consider you the chef of the friend group, share some of your favorite recipes! 

    This is another one that's super easy to do with your iPhone because you don't need a ton of footage. A few snippets of video for each step of your recipe is more than enough. Once you're done it's up to you whether you want to voice over it to explain or overlay some text. Either way this is something you can do without the fuss of professional equipment.

  3. Teach Your Craft

    Are you artsy and enjoy projects? This one's for you. Whether you're an avid painter, woodworker, welder, or just a maker of things you can share your process with friends and fans.

    This is a great opportunity to take a video using your iPhone because you can take a quick video at each stage of your project. No need to set up equipment every time you need to get a shot. Grab your phone, give a short update to the project, and you're good to go.

    For those even more ambitious, try using your phone to do a timelapse of your whole project! That way your followers can see your whole process from start to finish in a short, easy to watch video.


Brandon Jarousky

Written by Brandon Jarousky


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